
7:28 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Papeda or bubur sagu( in Indonesia) is sagoo congee. Papeda is the main food in Papua and Maluku. Papeda is made from sagoo stratch. They acquire the stratch by feeling the trunk of sagoo palm tree, and then cutting it in half, and scraping the soft inner parts of the trunk, the pith, producing a crude sago pith flour. This flour is then mixed with water and squeezed to leach the starch from the flour. The still moist sago starch is usually stored in a container made of sago palm leaflets, called tumang in which it will keep for several months before spontaneous fermentation will turn it too acidic and unsuitable for making papeda. Depending on the variety and the growing conditions, it may take a sago tree five to fifteen years to accumulate enough starch in its trunk to make the effort of extracting it worthwhile.
Papeda has glue-like texture and consistency.


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